Sunday, December 20, 2009
Die folgenden sind fuer Deutsch IV-V. Wir brauchen diese Seiten fuer unsere Kunstprojekte.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Computer Tag 19. November
Deutsch II: Besuchen Sie die Links und machen Sie die Aktivitaeten!
Hier klicken!
Schicken Sie mir durch email.
Deutsch III: Klicken sie auf dem GROW link und machen Sie die Grammatik Uebungen unter "Genitiv"!
Deutsch I: Wir haben unsere Examen am Freitag! Es gibt Aktivitateten unter GROW/Grammatik.
Hier klicken!
Schicken Sie mir durch email.
Deutsch III: Klicken sie auf dem GROW link und machen Sie die Grammatik Uebungen unter "Genitiv"!
Deutsch I: Wir haben unsere Examen am Freitag! Es gibt Aktivitateten unter GROW/Grammatik.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9. November- 13. November
German III- K.4 Examen- Dienstag; Thur-Fri. Gefaerliche Wege
German II- Uebersetzung- Sport Mittwoch; Dativ Quiz- Freitag
German IV-V- Bibliothek Dienstag-Donnerstag Projekt- Montag, 16. November
German I- Verben, Sport, Hobbies , zu Hause vs. nach Hause, Zeit und Fernsehen- Es gibt ein Kapitel Examen naechste Woche
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Montag- Deutsch I - Haben and Sein verbs
Deutsch II- Rueckblick- Test am Dienstag K-9
Deutsch III- Grammatik- Auf dem Bauernhof
Deutsch IV-V- Zeitungsartikel- Gewalt im Fernsehen- Blackboard
Dienstag- Deutsch II- Examen
Deutsch IV-V- Cartoon
Freitag- Quiz Deutsch IV-V Verben
Deutsch I Haben und Sein
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 The Most Awesome German Film Eva
Ingrid Roettgen's Trickfilm fuer "Gefaehrliche Wege"
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Wo die wilde Kerle wohnen
"Where the Wild Things Are" (Wo die wilde Kerle wohnen) jetzt im Kino!
"Twilight" auf Deutsch! (Zwielicht)
"Twilight" auf Deutsch! (Zwielicht)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Computer Tag 14.Oktober, 15. Oktober
Deutsch III- Make a "Go Animate " cartoon using your words from "Gefaehrliche Wege". You can do part of Episode 1, 2 or make up your own story.
Deutsch II- Go to Frau Hume's Links on the left of the page. Find Deutsch Aktuell Internet Activities- Book 1 Chapter 9. Do all of the three activities.
Deutsch IV/V Go to the "Goodbye Lenin" home page
Read through the website thoroughly and then write a short summary about the background story of the film, the actors, quotes from reviews, etc.... Also, read and report on at least one interview.
Deutsch I- Go to Frau Hume's Links on the left of the page. Find Deutsch Aktuell Internet Activities- Book 1 Chapter ii. Do all three activities on Cuxhaven and phone area codes.
Deutsch II- Go to Frau Hume's Links on the left of the page. Find Deutsch Aktuell Internet Activities- Book 1 Chapter 9. Do all of the three activities.
Deutsch IV/V Go to the "Goodbye Lenin" home page
Read through the website thoroughly and then write a short summary about the background story of the film, the actors, quotes from reviews, etc.... Also, read and report on at least one interview.
Deutsch I- Go to Frau Hume's Links on the left of the page. Find Deutsch Aktuell Internet Activities- Book 1 Chapter ii. Do all three activities on Cuxhaven and phone area codes.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Classwork Week of 10/5
German I- Telling time on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday- new story "Wo ist Einstein", "der", "die" and "das", Thursday- German visitors, Friday- quiz over telling time, vocabulary from story
German II- Work on hobbies and free-time activities, compound nouns, Visit from Germans, Friday- quiz over hobbies and free-time
German III Work on "Gefaehrliche Wege" - Read Episodes 1 and 2, visit from Germans
German II- Work on hobbies and free-time activities, compound nouns, Visit from Germans, Friday- quiz over hobbies and free-time
German III Work on "Gefaehrliche Wege" - Read Episodes 1 and 2, visit from Germans
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
1.Oktober- Computer Tag
Deutsch I- Click on the link in the blog entry directly below this one showing our partner school in Menden. Write a short report (1 paragraph) explaining what you learned about the Walram Gymnasium.
Play these games on the Quia website. (see link below). Games # 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 13, 31, 33, 40, 41, 46, 64, 69 and 71.
Remember: Your family tree is due tomorrow.
Deutsch II- Click on the link in the blog entry below this one showing our partner school in Menden. Write a short report (1-2 paragraphs) explaining what you learned about the Walram Gymnasium.
Visit the Quia web site (link below) and play these games: # 53, 54, 58, 61, 63, 72, 73, 98, 361
Deutsch III
Click on the link on the blog entry below this one showing our partner school in Menden. Write a short report (2-3 paragraphs) explaining what you learned about the Walram Gymnasium.
Visit the Quia web site( link below) and play these games: # 90, 93, 453, 454 If you finish all of those, go to other games which review last year's vocabulary (Haus, Freizeit, Reise, Musik)
Deutsch IV/V
First, go to Blackboard and read the latest announcement.
Then come back to this blog. Click on the link below showing our partner school in Menden. Be prepared to discuss the school on Blackboard.
Then go to the Quia website (see link below) and do the Berlin Quiz #16. When you are finished with that you can play the following verb games: 34, 83, 90,93,453,454
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Unsere Partnerschule in Menden
Unsere Partnerschule: Walram Gymnasium-Menden
This is the home page for our partner school in Menden, Germany.
Click on the link below (Walram Gynasium)
Walram Gymnasium
Click on the link below (Walram Gynasium)
Walram Gymnasium
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Computer Tag Deutsch II
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Computer Tag 5/6
Deutsch I- First go to Frau Hume's Links and click on GROW. Then go to the Grammar section (Grammatik-Verben). Do exercises on pg. 2 (site #8 kennen und wissen) and pg. 3 ( sites 3,4,7,8,9and 10)
NEXT go to Frau Hume's Links again and go to Deutsch Aktuell 1 Internet activities. Go to Kapitel 7 Activity #3 on Salzburg. When you finish that, go to Kapitel 7 Activity # 1 on shopping. ____________________________________________________________________
Deutsch II- First go to Frau Hume's Links and click on Deutsch Aktuell 2 Internet Activities. Do activity number 2.
Then go to Frau Hume's Links and click on GROW. Go to the Grammar section and click on "Grammatik-Pronomen" Do pg 1 sites #1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 1o.
Then go to back to the GROW site and click on the "Reise und Urlaub" section. Click on "Camping in Deutschland" You should do the first 2 sections A and B.
Deutsch III- Go to Frau Hume's links and click on GROW. Go to the "Sport and Fitness" icon , click on it and go to the "Krankheiten" site. Look up 8-10 diseases . Read the description and write them down for our game on Thursday.
Deutsch IV- Go to 6 different sections of the Grammatik section of the GROW website. (under Frau Hume's links)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Deutsch II- Jugendherbergen in der Schweiz
Go to the Jugendherbergen-die Schweiz website.
Answer the following questions.
1) What information is on the Mitgliedskarte?
Select 5 different Jugendherbergen and answer the following questions on each one.
1) Wo ist es? Give nearby towns and cities, lakes, castles, train stations, etc...
2) Welche Freizeitsaktivitaeten gibt es in der Naehe?
3) Wieviel kostet ein Zimmer pro Nacht?
4) Ist es billiger fuer Kinder?
5) A) Gibt es Mittagessen oder/und Abendessen?
B) Wenn ja, wieviel kostet es?
6) Was ist die Addresse/Telefonnummer?
7) Welche Jugendherberge hast du am besten gefunden? Warum?
Answer the following questions.
1) What information is on the Mitgliedskarte?
Select 5 different Jugendherbergen and answer the following questions on each one.
1) Wo ist es? Give nearby towns and cities, lakes, castles, train stations, etc...
2) Welche Freizeitsaktivitaeten gibt es in der Naehe?
3) Wieviel kostet ein Zimmer pro Nacht?
4) Ist es billiger fuer Kinder?
5) A) Gibt es Mittagessen oder/und Abendessen?
B) Wenn ja, wieviel kostet es?
6) Was ist die Addresse/Telefonnummer?
7) Welche Jugendherberge hast du am besten gefunden? Warum?
Deutsch I - Kaufhaus
1) Go to the KaDeWe website.
2) Go to the "Rundgang" for a map/directory of KaDeWe.
Answer the following questions.
A) Wo kauft man eine Krawatte und einen Anzug?
B) Wo kauft man ein Kleid oder einen Rock?
C) Wo kauft man Lidschatten oder Lippenstift oder Parfum?
D) Wo kauft man Obst und Gemuese?
E) Wo kauft man Mittagessen?
F) Wo kauft man einen Computer?
G) Wo kauft man Babymode?
H) Wo ist der
3) Go to "Unser Haus" for the next questions.
I) Welche Tage ist KaDeWe geschlossen(closed)?
J) Wie alt is KaDeWe?
4) Explore the site and list three other interesting things you found out about KaDeWe.
2) Go to the "Rundgang" for a map/directory of KaDeWe.
Answer the following questions.
A) Wo kauft man eine Krawatte und einen Anzug?
B) Wo kauft man ein Kleid oder einen Rock?
C) Wo kauft man Lidschatten oder Lippenstift oder Parfum?
D) Wo kauft man Obst und Gemuese?
E) Wo kauft man Mittagessen?
F) Wo kauft man einen Computer?
G) Wo kauft man Babymode?
H) Wo ist der
3) Go to "Unser Haus" for the next questions.
I) Welche Tage ist KaDeWe geschlossen(closed)?
J) Wie alt is KaDeWe?
4) Explore the site and list three other interesting things you found out about KaDeWe.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Deutsch III Computer Tag
1) Go to Deutsch Aktuell Internet activities under Frau Hume's links
- Go to Chpt. 10 Activity I
- Look up four newspapers on
- Look up Anzeigen or Stellen or Stellenanzeige, Berufe or Karriere to find careers/ job offerings
- Write about 6 of the job ads you found and write if you found any jobs related to your future career
2) Go to the Vienna tourism site
- Go to Chpt. 10 Activity I
- Look up four newspapers on
- Look up Anzeigen or Stellen or Stellenanzeige, Berufe or Karriere to find careers/ job offerings
- Write about 6 of the job ads you found and write if you found any jobs related to your future career
2) Go to the Vienna tourism site
Write down 6 places you would visit. Look up as many sites as you can which are mentioned in the book (including Rings, castles, streets, etc...) Write a small little report on a tour called "Vienna- a Geheime Mission tour".
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
German I Computer activity April 15
1) Go to "Frau Hume's" links and go to the German Resources on the Web link.
2) Click on the icon "Essen und Trinken"
3) Go to "My German Foods-Delicious Deutschland"
1) Name two German drinks you read about and describe them.
2) What is the German name for "dumpling"? Name 2-3 kinds of dumplings.
3) What are some popular snacks in Germany?
4) What are three new things you learned about eating habits in Germany?
5) Name 6 foods you learned about from "What's on the Menu?"
4) Go to the McDonalds site.
!) What is ein mal eins?
2) What can you get in a Happy Meal?
5) Go to "Im Restaurant" on second page. Do the one with the online submission.
6) Go back to the original GROW page and scroll down to the grammar section.Go to the section on Modalverben and click on it.
Visit the first four web sites and try to complete the activities on each site.
2) Click on the icon "Essen und Trinken"
3) Go to "My German Foods-Delicious Deutschland"
1) Name two German drinks you read about and describe them.
2) What is the German name for "dumpling"? Name 2-3 kinds of dumplings.
3) What are some popular snacks in Germany?
4) What are three new things you learned about eating habits in Germany?
5) Name 6 foods you learned about from "What's on the Menu?"
4) Go to the McDonalds site.
!) What is ein mal eins?
2) What can you get in a Happy Meal?
5) Go to "Im Restaurant" on second page. Do the one with the online submission.
6) Go back to the original GROW page and scroll down to the grammar section.Go to the section on Modalverben and click on it.
Visit the first four web sites and try to complete the activities on each site.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
German IV-V Musik Aufgabe
Students must do a film, music video, music powerpoint or D.J. for a day music presentation.
Students will be graded on 1) interpretation of song through visuals or through description 2) presentation of lyrics in German and with a reasonable translation either through images in pictures or film , subtitles in English or description in German. 3) The song should be approximately three minutes in length and should have text with at least ten different lines. If the song has lyrics which loop, the repeated line will not count for an additional line. 4) The interpretation should be original, creative and show an understanding of the lyrics which goes beyond a strictly literal interpretation. Projects will be due on the 23rd and 24th of March. Don't forget to work on your wiki for music as well. Huo Huo is all alone on the board, waiting for a partner........
Students will be graded on 1) interpretation of song through visuals or through description 2) presentation of lyrics in German and with a reasonable translation either through images in pictures or film , subtitles in English or description in German. 3) The song should be approximately three minutes in length and should have text with at least ten different lines. If the song has lyrics which loop, the repeated line will not count for an additional line. 4) The interpretation should be original, creative and show an understanding of the lyrics which goes beyond a strictly literal interpretation. Projects will be due on the 23rd and 24th of March. Don't forget to work on your wiki for music as well. Huo Huo is all alone on the board, waiting for a partner........
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Help with accusative case Deutsch II
Brauchst du Hilfe mit deinen Hausaufgaben? Schau dieses Video an!
Look at the Teacher Tube accusative case video from the Oct. 16, 2008 posting.
Look at the Teacher Tube accusative case video from the Oct. 16, 2008 posting.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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