Sunday, November 14, 2010

Facebook Projekt

Teil 1: Facebook Power point

Teil 2: Oral Report  Due 8.12- 10.12 Facebook Power Point due same day.

Oral Report- 3-5 minute oral report on person. Use IB oral rubric. Visuals from the Power Point may be used.
Facebook project- 75 points.
Oral Report  - 75 points

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Deutscher Fussball Bund Deutsch II

1) Go to the GROW link on Sport- click on link.
2) Go to the Deutscher Fussball Bund page.
3) Visit the following pages and write a bit of information on each of these headings:
- Frauenbundesliga
-Junior Ecke
-Soziales Engagement
-Freizeit und Breitensport
4) Write down the scores for three games which have been played in the last three weeks.
5) Go to the grammar section to "Faelle" and click on that link to find Dative exercises. Do at least two.

Wie und wo essen die Deutschen? Deutsch III

1) Click on the GROW link and go to Food and Restaurants.

2) Visit the link on German Foods- write a few things about 1) Fruehstueck, Mittagessen, Abendessen und Nachtisch.
3) Go to Marions Kochbuch- Translate one of the recipes.
4) Go to the Brot link and report on at least four to five types of bread.
5) Search for recipes that you might like to cook for our festival day.
6) Go to the Grammatik section on GROW and click on "Faelle". Pick at least three Genitive exercises to do online.