Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Deutsch II- Jugendherbergen in der Schweiz

Go to the Jugendherbergen-die Schweiz website.
Answer the following questions.
1) What information is on the Mitgliedskarte?

Select 5 different Jugendherbergen and answer the following questions on each one.
1) Wo ist es? Give nearby towns and cities, lakes, castles, train stations, etc...
2) Welche Freizeitsaktivitaeten gibt es in der Naehe?
3) Wieviel kostet ein Zimmer pro Nacht?
4) Ist es billiger fuer Kinder?
5) A) Gibt es Mittagessen oder/und Abendessen?
B) Wenn ja, wieviel kostet es?
6) Was ist die Addresse/Telefonnummer?
7) Welche Jugendherberge hast du am besten gefunden? Warum?

Deutsch I - Kaufhaus

1) Go to the KaDeWe website.

2) Go to the "Rundgang" for a map/directory of KaDeWe.
Answer the following questions.
A) Wo kauft man eine Krawatte und einen Anzug?
B) Wo kauft man ein Kleid oder einen Rock?
C) Wo kauft man Lidschatten oder Lippenstift oder Parfum?
D) Wo kauft man Obst und Gemuese?
E) Wo kauft man Mittagessen?
F) Wo kauft man einen Computer?
G) Wo kauft man Babymode?
H) Wo ist der

3) Go to "Unser Haus" for the next questions.
I) Welche Tage ist KaDeWe geschlossen(closed)?
J) Wie alt is KaDeWe?

4) Explore the site and list three other interesting things you found out about KaDeWe.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Deutsch III Computer Tag

1) Go to Deutsch Aktuell Internet activities under Frau Hume's links
- Go to Chpt. 10 Activity I
- Look up four newspapers on Zeitungen.de
- Look up Anzeigen or Stellen or Stellenanzeige, Berufe or Karriere to find careers/ job offerings
- Write about 6 of the job ads you found and write if you found any jobs related to your future career

2) Go to the Vienna tourism site

Write down 6 places you would visit. Look up as many sites as you can which are mentioned in the book (including Rings, castles, streets, etc...) Write a small little report on a tour called "Vienna- a Geheime Mission tour". 

Deutsch I Computer Tag-Kleidung

Go to the following website:

Klamotten quiz

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

German I Computer activity April 15

1) Go to "Frau Hume's" links and go to the German Resources on the Web link.

2) Click on the icon "Essen und Trinken"

3) Go to "My German Foods-Delicious Deutschland"
1) Name two German drinks you read about and describe them.
2) What is the German name for "dumpling"? Name 2-3 kinds of dumplings.
3) What are some popular snacks in Germany?
4) What are three new things you learned about eating habits in Germany?
5) Name 6 foods you learned about from "What's on the Menu?"

4) Go to the McDonalds site.

!) What is ein mal eins?
2) What can you get in a Happy Meal?

5) Go to "Im Restaurant" on second page. Do the one with the online submission.

6) Go back to the original GROW page and scroll down to the grammar section.Go to the section on Modalverben and click on it.
Visit the first four web sites and try to complete the activities on each site.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

German IV-V Musik Aufgabe

Students must do a film, music video, music powerpoint or D.J. for a day music presentation.

Students will be graded on 1) interpretation of song through visuals or through description 2) presentation of lyrics in German and with a reasonable translation either through images in pictures or film , subtitles in English or description in German. 3) The song should be approximately three minutes in length and should have text with at least ten different lines. If the song has lyrics which loop, the repeated line will not count for an additional line. 4) The interpretation should be original, creative and show an understanding of the lyrics which goes beyond a strictly literal interpretation. Projects will be due on the 23rd and 24th of March. Don't forget to work on your wiki for music as well. Huo Huo is all alone on the board, waiting for a partner........